Thinking about Coaching at EMW? We Need Volunteers for Future Seasons!
We welcome new coaches and volunteers! You do not need to have cheerleading experience (although it is preferred). We are looking for people with an open mind, dedication, and a passion for working with kids.
If you are interested in becoming a coach or volunteer, please contact the Cheerleading Coordinators, the President of EMW or the Vice President.
Please know that to be a coach at any age for any level is a great commitment and you must plan accordingly.
This normally includes 3-4 nights during the week and Saturdays directly coaching the kids (starting in August through November), attending EMW Meetings regularly (once a month), and attending EMW Fundraisers. It may be a bit of a commitment but is extremely rewarding.
Head Coaches- Must be 21 years or older
Assistant Coaches- Must be 18 or older
Junior Coaches- Must be 14 or older, but can not be a current cheerleader at EMW.
Thinking about becoming part of the EMW Board?
Each year there are different positions available for new board members. If you are interested in holding a board member position, please contact the President of EMW, or the Vice President.
Team Moms and Dads
For each team we are looking for two parents who are willing to help our coaches throughout the season.
The parents normally help with:
1. Organizing snack for games
2. Gather products for a basket raffle
3. Work with the coaches of that team
4. Help to organize a coaches gift for the banquet (if they choose to.)
5. Normally come to most practices and games
This is not a huge commitment, but it is extremely helpful for the coaches. This position is great if you would like to be a little involved with the team but are unsure if you can commit a lot of time.
This position DOES NOT meet the requirements in order to get your concession stand check back.